Card cashback

Support Team

Last Update 4 anni fa

Aurix offers a debit card by Visa or Mastercard payment networks. The card is associated with a user’s wallet, allowing them to obtain cashback for all their purchases and other everyday transactions .

So, as you can see in table above, Aurix has develop a card system for its customers and has divided card levels into severals categories called VIPs.

Level start from VIP 0, where the customer has a 2% cashback when he use Aurix Card for any payment. For Level 1, the customer need to bought and store at least 800AUR and in return he get a 3% cashback when he use his Aurix Card for any payment + 30% cashback from fees for his trading transactions in Aurix Exchange. For VIP 1, the card has a 200 USD/month free ATM withdrawals and 2000 USD/month foreign transactions.

You can reach up to level 6, where the customer had to bought and store at least 300000AUR, and in return he get a 9% cashback when he use his Aurix Card for any payment + 90% cashback from fees for his trading transactions in Aurix Exchange. For this level, the card has a 1000 USD/month free ATM withdrawals and unlimited foreign currency transactions.

All the cashback earned by a customer from trading transaction will return as Aurix Token.

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